To calculate someone's age in Crete or anywhere else, you will need to know their date of birth and the current date.
Determine the person's birth date: Ask the person for their birth date or look for it on their official identification document such as a passport or driver's license.
Determine the current date: Use a calendar or the internet to determine the current date in Crete or your local time zone.
Calculate the age: Subtract the person's birth year from the current year to get their age. If the person has not had their birthday yet this year, subtract one from their age.
For example, if someone was born on April 1st, 1995, and the current date is March 24th, 2023, their age would be:
2023 (current year) - 1995 (birth year) = 28 (age)
Note that this calculation assumes the Gregorian calendar is being used. If you are using a different calendar, such as the Julian calendar, the calculation may be different
Age Calculator

Age Calculator